About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Finally, after nearly three years, I recently tested positive for Covid.  Considering the odds, I'm not really surprised.  Taking into consideration my immune-compromised health status, and seeking to prepare for or defend against this inevitability, I had been following a host of recommended actions and interventions.

 - I have been working from home since mid-March 2020 when the world came to a halt

 - I have had 2 vaccinations, 3 booster shots, 1 seasonal flu shot, and monthly doses of immunoglobulin

 - I have avoided crowds, unmasked dining, and similar "risky/exposed" situations

 - I remain one of the few people in public places who is still wearing a mask, which is fine with me

Covid for a cancer patient is as unique as cancer is for a cancer patient.  My symptoms presented like a very mild cold; slight runny nose and occasional coughing.  Despite these seemingly innocuous indications, I took a home test anyway, which revealed its Positive result almost as soon as I inserted the swab into the test card.  I reached out to my Oncologist for the appropriate course of action.  She immediately sent in a prescription for Paxlovid, had me suspend my regular regimen of Pomalyst (chemo pills; which combat the myeloma cells but also suppress my immune-system), and suggested OTC Mucinex for controlling any concurrent congestion.  FYI: For me, the Paxlovid brought recovery (and reassurance) along with the lone AE of a persistent bitter taste in my mouth.

All in all, I'd say that my strategy and vigilance "worked." A vaccine doesn't prevent the occurrence of a virus, it just lessens the severity of the results should it be contracted (flu, Covid, etc.).  My minor cold-like manifestations would indicate that the Moderna did its job.  I jumped on the illness early and was able to take advantage of further tools to combat the Covid (Paxlovid) which added to the speed and success of my rebound.  Plus, working with my Oncology team, I was able to make a minor adjustment to my regular regimen, thereby optimizing the Covid meds without compromising the MM meds.

I've wasted a lot of your valuable time over the past five years telling you how lucky I have been, and it looks like this is another case of my medical good fortune.  Covid finally caught me, but I was ready for it.  Stay safe and well !



Resolve . . .

Resolve . . .