About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Resolve . . .

Resolve . . .

It’s that time of year again when we take stock of our lives and resolve to be better in the coming new year.  Eat healthier, exercise more, indulge less - sounds boring as heck and virtually unattainable. I know that resolutions imply that you are going to try something new, but sometimes they are about doing an existing thing 'better.'  So I’m going to resolve this year to do “nothing" (and do it better).

-   Not going to worry.  Since Day 1, my job has been to keep it light.  This is a responsibility that I accept wholeheartedly, and that I'm not taking casually.  The title for this blog was born about 15-minutes after I was conclusively diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma.  Levity is how I elevate the negative emotions, directing them away from the distracting reality that we can't otherwise change.  I can't affect the science, but I can alter the emotions, so that's my focus.

-   Not going to let MM define me (sounds a bit trite, and I'm not even sure I know what that means).  To me, it means that when I meet someone, I'm not that cancer guy (oh, I'm so sorry to hear that - for which I am genuinely appreciative).  I will honestly and indefatigably answer any and all questions about cancer (yours or anyone else's), because I am THE Canswer Man.  But still just Nat - first and foremost.

-   Not going to be consumed with the timing of a "cure" for MM.  I actually haven't been fixated on the research up until now because I know that it is on the horizon, and will happen well within my lifetime. Obsessing over it, or wishing for it, won't make it happen any sooner (I know they are going as fast as they can). If the next five years go by as quickly as the last five, then I'll be virtually MM free in no time (Progression Free - technically).

Doing nothing doesn't really sound like much of a resolution or a plan for a whole year. If I can accomplish the aforementioned, I will be way ahead of most folks who don't make it past mid-February.  Best of all, I've set the bar so low, I can barely fail.  Good luck with your resolutions.  May they be reasonable and achievable.

