About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Better Balance

Better Balance

I was recently working on the road for a week (in Dallas).  The days drip into each other, the clock alternately stands still and flies by, and time basically slips away as my focus is on the work at hand.  Concurrently, the continuing ongoing assignments that I'm also working on don't care that I'm busy with one project - they want their attention as well.  And having a bit of a sniffle in my snuffle (like so many other colleagues on the road with me) didn't help with my basic energy level.

In the very beginning of this cancer journey, I professed that I was going to strive harder at improving my work/life balance.  This is a promise as common and often as hollow as the classic New Year's resolution to lose weight or quit that annoying habit (fill in the blank).  My work/life balance BC (before cancer) was grossly out of whack (which had absolutely no contribution whatsoever to my disease). However, in order to give myself the best chance to responsibly recover and rebound, I needed to accept the fact that I could do a better job of managing the workload for an average day, and just let some things wait until tomorrow - prioritize.  That was tested during my recent Dallas days.

Though staring at a blank page (screen) can be at times daunting and intimidating, I honestly enjoy writing blog posts, sharing my odd-servations and maintaining a consistent flow of minimal Monday morning message output to my faithful readers.  So when last Sunday night rolled around and there were many an obstacle in my way toward that weekly goal - I struggled mightily with what to do.  Stay up an hour or so longer and bang out a blog posting, or grab 60+ minutes more worth of recuperative winks in defense against a cold and preparation for another full day on the job / on the road.

I missed the blog, I got the extra sleep, I was better off for it the next day, and I proved to myself that I am in fact getting more practiced (albeit in baby steps) in the art of managing my work/life balance.  At first it felt "wrong" but now I know it was the right thing to do, the world is still spinning, and I can chalk it up as a victory for W/L Balance.  Even the smallest accomplishments can be the tiny foundation from which to build upon.  Thanks for your support and understanding/patience.

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