About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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At this poignant time of the year, beyond the fireworks and barbeques, let me begin by thanking all of those who have given up so much for the security and safety of our nation, and especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live the privileged life that we do. "Independence" and "Freedom" are powerful words whose meaning can be so unique and so personal to each individual.  I too, am taking the occasion of this hallowed holiday, to reflect on what these words mean to me.

I am also fortunate to live a life now free from the threat of harm (theoretically death) caused by the enemy which we know more commonly as cancer.  It attacks us on many fronts (body parts), uses weapons as varied as those with the power of mass destruction or as insidious as the hidden strike of guerilla warfare, saps our nation of valuable financial resources spent waging these battles, and leaves behind an escalating body count that ravages our families and our futures.

And in a somewhat similar scenario, it is imperative to note the efforts of so many brave / smart men and women (science soldiers) who fight tirelessly each day on the front lines of this conflict. Lest we not forget those heroic and medically battered soul-diers who make the ultimate sacrifice when participating in clinical trials or pushing past debilitating side effects in hopes of breaking through enemy lines and vanquishing their physiological foe.  Oftentimes firing into the therapeutic darkness in an attempt to wound the enemy enough to cripple them into submission or at least slow them down enough buy a bit more time until reinforcements can come along to save the day (the Cancer Cavalry of new treatment alternatives) - which is happening at home and through the help of allies everywhere around the world.

Their victories, and the achievements of so many others, has given me my health independence and emotional freedom every day since my diagnosis.  My liberated red and white blood cells, and Blue Cross "shield," are all working together today and every day to keep me thriving and thankful.



