About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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An unfortunate reality of this modern day and age is that it seems like everyone knows someone who has been touched by the scourge we more commonly know as cancer.  For many of you, I was your somebody.  I may have possibly been the first person this close to you that was diagnosed with cancer; and you could relate to me, reach out to me, maybe possibly even learn from me - as your introduction to what living/dealing with cancer is really like for people out there.  For many more of you, there are several “somebodies” in your life who are affected; in various stages.

I recently learned of a friend who just found out that they have been unwittingly added to the roster, and it has sharpened my perspective on how it feels when someone else is my somebody.  As a card-carrying constituent of the cancer cadre, perhaps I know more than my fair share of patients, but in the moment that I learned of their diagnosis, I was once again struck by the dual reactions of being concerned for them and also taken aback by the sheer volume of people these days who are confronted with the challenge of the consequences of cancer entering their life. 

I confess that I’ve outlined a dizzying panoply of pronouns, and my intention is not to be that purposely oblique in my identifications, but rather to highlight how the disease is all around us.  It’s not to overwhelm or upset, but rather to enlighten and reassure.  If it’s your friend, then know that there is much you can do - however and whenever they are ready to be supported.  And if you are the “somebody” (the afflicted) - there are more people out there in your universe than you realize.  They’ll come from far and wide; folks you may have forgotten about, who still remember you - and care.  And as a newly-minted member of the club that no one wants to join, you can relate to their feelings for you and help communicate your feelings to them - as their somebody; their cancer "person."

PS: Sorry I missed you last week - my bad



