About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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A definition that you no doubt know by now, but worth repeating for the context of this conversation (monologue), Multiple Myeloma is a cancer that builds up in the bone marrow, and forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. Healthy plasma cells help fight infections by making proteins called antibodies.  Antibodies find and attack germs.  Ergo, the person with MM has a compromised immune system and decreased ability to fight off infection - common or complex.  Through the wonders of modern medical science (e.g: chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, monoclonal antibodies, IVIG, etc.), I have beaten back the scourge, though I still live with a C-grade immune system instead of an A+ one.

Granted, it may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but the common cold would classify as an infection.  So would seemingly innocuous "infections" such as bronchitis, sinusitis, flu or pneumonia, and now we can also add Covid and RSV (yes, I got my shots).  True, the aforementioned illnesses affect folks very differently based on their age and comorbidities, but generally these can now all be managed under doctor supervision, with OTC solutions or antibiotics.  Where the annoyance factor comes into play for The Canswer Man is that what could normally take a week (or two at the most) to run its course for the overwhelming majority of the non-MM world, often takes me over a month to totally clear my system and get me back to my normal (air quotes).  Usually, it's 30+ days of bouncing back and forth between sinus infection, chest cold, sore throat, head cold and my personal favorite - post-nasal drip; before Nat-agra Falls stops flowing.

As a result, I need to be ever-vigilant.  Not paranoid such that I can't live a life, but mindful of the potential for a little thing to grow into a bigger thing.  I think I've got that under control (with a lot of help from my team - thank you).  Yet, in spite of being grateful for all that has transpired to restore my health, I falter at times during the duration of my infection inflection - frustrated (annoyed) with how long it takes to clear, and how many napkins I go through in the process (Kleenex just aren't strong enough for this honker and paper towels are too rough for my sensitive schnoz).  Can you tell that I'm on Day 28 of my most recent vexation?! 



