About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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New Dr. S

New Dr. S

Much has been written in these "pages" (exhaustively annoying - some may say) about the retirement of my beloved lead Oncologist Dr. S, and the transfer of my care to the new Dr. S (I am not needlessly cloaking her identity in mystery, her last name also happens to start with the letter "S"). We met with her the other day; during an extensive intake-type session at the Clinic/offices.

I came in with an open mind but somewhat empty heart - as could be understood. Mrs. Rosen on the other hand (affectionately known by the original Dr. S as "Dr. Rosen" ), donned the Missouri approach ("Show Me" state perspective) - Prove to me that you are going to be as good at taking care of "all of us" as Dr. S #1 was . . . sista! I am pleased to report that she passed with flying colors, even winning over the seeker of higher standards: Dr. Rosen.

Dr. S #2 started with a series of questions and observations which clearly demonstrated that she had spent a great deal of time reviewing, understanding and owning my past 5 years of medical history (not an easy task with all of the numbers, nuances and nomenclature of my journey). She also had a few recommendations, suggestions and modifications to my existing treatment strategies that she discussed (ultimate decisions that were made in collaboration with us). These were not offered as departures or in contrast to the Plan that Dr. S #1 and team were implementing, but rather her take on my current situation (solid and stable) and ways to keep it that way, and/or make it even better (I got no complaints with that). In short, she was as good as could have been imagined, as the hand-selected successor of Dr. S #1 - by Dr. S #1.

Let's face it, there will never be another Dr. S #1 - and I'm resolved to that consequence. Aside from his marvelous medical maven-hood, he was a mensch of extraordinary care, compassion, and concern (not to mention his phenomenal memory of: my many family members, their names, their professions, and at least one intriguing life story about each of them).

My recent back surgeon is the Chair of the department at that hospital. Dr. S #1 was the head of the "Liquid Cancer" department at CINJ. I guess I just get lucky with doctors. Knowing the potential negative outcome that could have been the case in such matters, I am vociferously grateful to have had the good fortune of being under his tutelage. And now under the care of his prime mentee.



