About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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For reasons too lengthy to get into, I was recently given a Covid PCR test at the clinic prior to getting my monthly treatment (Spoiler Alert: the result was negative; but that's not the point of today's "drash"). They told me I would have the answer in about 6 hours. Considering the sophistication and accuracy/reliability of the test, this didn't seem unreasonable, but of course, for info like this, the conclusion couldn't come back too soon. Between the requisite contract tracing and our forthcoming family plans (Ruby's 2nd Birthday Party the next day, to name one), a positive result would not be welcomed - as it never is. The Nurse Practitioner on duty on the weekends said she would mark it "stat" to help expedite the processing and review.

I always like to leave us just a tiny bit more informed by the end of this interruption in your life than before you began reading it (thanks again). “Stat” (as I'm sure we all know) is an abbreviation of the Latin word statim, meaning: immediately, without delay. We seem to increasingly live a life of immediacy and hurriedness. Partly because things are getting faster and better every day. And partly because we (whomever "we" really is) have come to feel that however long it takes to do something isn't fast enough, and someone HAS to be able to do it faster (they can put a person on the moon, and they can make a decent cup of instant coffee, why can't they . . . . ?!?).

I left the clinic without my treatment (which is ok to delay) --- can't have a potential Covid carrier around a room full of people with compromised immune systems. Lo and behold, 6 hours turned into less than 60 minutes, and I had the reassuring results by the time I finally got back home. Were they lying before? I think not. Six hours is the norm, but sometimes a compassionate system (talk about your oxymorons) can allow for a bend in the time/space continuum.

Being understanding when things take longer than we are told or than we want, can often yield nothing other than frustration and anxiety. But sometimes subconsciously agreeing to wait it out tolerantly has its occasional benefits. Getting results for a PCR/NAAT test way sooner than expected, was a wonderful reward for my previous patience practices. However, don't ever get behind me in line at the grocery store, because the person ahead of me is going to have expired coupons for things they did not buy, issues with the fine-print on the weekly sales flyer, and trouble with their credit card - so it all evens out.

PS: PCR/NAAT - How cool is it that the test is named after me?!?



