About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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The truth of the matter is that there are really only about 70 of you loving and devoted (insomniac) folks out there who are even registered to willingly read my ramblings. And since nearly half of you were with me this past weekend, I'm going to make this a little extra personal for us - though the rest of you appreciated enthusiasts can easily follow along.

As the headline would suggest, I/we recently gathered (SAFELY) for a celebration (congratulations Alexandra & Stephen). Among the family and friends in attendance, there were many people who had or still are battling/living with cancer, and thankfully many more others who aren't/don't. In this day and age there is practically no one who has not been affected directly by the Great Scourge - in one way or another.

These types of milestones that we marked this past weekend are what we ALL live for. They keep life moving/advancing, they give us all something to look forward to, they bring us together, and thereby nurture our relationships (old and new ones). And as is very often the case (true on this occasion as well), they remind us of those who have passed as the result of myriad medical maladies (cancerous or otherwise).

These celebratory moments bring out the people, and they also bring out the "best" in people. Though there is clearly nothing festive about cancer, that too is a life event that brings out the people, and brings out the best in people (both the afflicted and the supportive). It goes without saying that cancer is a horrible thing, but as evidenced by this wedding wingding, it can't control or contain us, nor cause the celebratory circle of life to not keep on rolling along - even when it does serve as a moment to memorialize those who were unable to join with us. There we were: alive, together, limited in number but not lacking in spirit, taking EVERY precaution in an acknowledgment of a global pandemic, and serving notice to the Big C that for this split second in life, on this day, we were not going to let its insidious "infection" invade our life and rob us of another celebration.

You know who you are - thanks again for supporting and celebrating with us.



