About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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As could be expected, the calming and placid atmosphere of the infusion clinic can be fertile ground for blog post ideas. Somewhere between opportunity and pressure lies the seeds for my next missive. Sometimes I may be searching too hard and overlook inspiration right in front of me. Like during a recent stint of treatment, Athena the Greek goddess of creativity tapped me on the shoulder and encouraged me to look at my watch - and consider the time that I spend at the clinic. But not the lost hours, rather the almost mundane efficiency of the process.

- Upon my arrival, bloodwork is drawn and whooshed (via vacuum tubes) across the street to the lab. Results come back often in less than 30:00! Impressive considering the breadth of analysis that has taken place.

- This information guides the pharmacist who mixes a bespoke cocktail based on my weight and other critical metabolic factors. No prepackaged, off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all concoction. It is all freshly prepared on site and not until the aforementioned prescribing parameters have been satisfied.

- Even the administration procedures are a reflection of a combined effort to deliver expedience as well as efficacy. IV hydration is begun immediately post labs (using the line inserted for the blood draw). A pre-cocktail of premeds comes next (an aperitif of sorts). Then a series of infusions and/or shots are rolled out in ordered choreography that rivals an Indy 500 Pit Crew's speed and efficiency.

So on the surface it may seem like a waste of a Saturday morning (I was in and out in 3 hours, which sounds like a long time, but how long do you wait for just a bi-annual doctor's check-up?). In fact it is so streamline that it feels like the only way to accomplish this any faster would be a drive-thru window. I choose to appreciate the time saved rather than lament the time served. When I think about what I'm getting for the limited amount of time that I am required to sacrifice (now down to once a month by the way), it's a small price to pay in the course of what is becoming an increasingly longer lifetime - thanks to modern medicine.

Big Gig

Big Gig

