About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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As part of my ongoing sinus saga, this has been a busy week. I went to see my ENT, who ran some tests up my nose (he ran some tests that looked up my nose), and determined that: I do not have a sinus infection, I do not have a deviated septum, and I do not need to start on a course of regular nasal lavage treatments - unless I felt it would help me breathe easier (Natty would rather notty - for the time being; though thanks to all for the helpful advice). Admittedly a tad inconclusive, it did reassure me that I have nothing clinically wrong going on to worry about, and life is irritating my sinuses to the point of causing my system to respond with mucus (kinda gross but kinda cool - when you think about the medical mechanics of our physiologies). As often happens with me, my nose was more clear the day I went to visit him than it has been in the past 3 months, but at least for now the flow has slowed.

Then the next day, I went into the Clinic for my first infusion of IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin). IVIG (a super-boost of antibodies) can protect people with immune deficiencies against circulating bacterial and viral infections, which is why Dr S has prescribed the infusions for me for the remaining cold-and-flu season months through March of next year. I was observed closely while that initial dose was titrated, and as of now seem to have come through the procedure without any adverse reactions. None were really anticipated, but it's always nice to go through a new treatment regimen and come out with no issues - in my tissues.

Did it work? Am I feeling better? In reality, the true results of the first dose probably won't become apparent until after roughly three to four weeks (when I'll happen to go back for Round 2). But if it did work, I would not feel anything. I would benefit from an amplified immune system and would be less susceptible to the collection of winter crud illnesses that plague many - but really take a toll on me. So if all goes according to plan, more glob in me means potentially less goop happening to me. Seems like a fair trade.



