About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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I would be remiss if I didn't seize upon this historically unique and chronologically inevitable moment in our lives.  Since this is in fact a blog about my cancer journey, I'll try to weave some of that into this installment, but clearly this is a year we would all like to forget, yet one with its share of memorable moments to revisit as well.

- Cancer has entered and exited the lives of friends and family throughout the past twelve months of 2020.  Some have conquered the demon disease and are starting the new year with a much-hoped-for clean bill of health.  Others are just beginning "their" journey - for whom we offer prayers and ongoing support (of any kind needed).

- Cancer awareness continues to build around us.  Is it because of well-executed media and public relations campaigns?  Is it because more of us are being exposed to the scourge and having it invade our lives?  Is it because we are becoming more attentive to those around us and their needs or challenges?  For whatever reason, knowing more - even bad news - is always helpful.

- New cancer cures and treatments have emerged over the last four seasons which continually address the growing spectrum of this specter.  Medical research has been understandably all-hands-on-deck in an effort to focus on a vaccine for Covid.  Though the development process of cancer drugs can last 10 years or more, the crescendo of FDA approval was heard for a number of new alternatives joining the oncology malignancy battle going on around us.

- And for yours truly, one such aforementioned new cancer medicine has provided a chance for a new beginning in the new year for a career change and challenge.  Not so much a "new" career, but rather an increased emphasis on communication to healthcare providers about the new choice (Margenza) that we now can offer for certain cancer patients and their families.

Let there be no doubt, 2020 was a year that we all want to quickly turn the page on.  But if we choose to ignore history we will only be doomed to repeat it - 2020 is a year we can never forget nor lose sight of its significance.  The loss of so many precious lives at home and abroad can't be overlooked.  The lessons we have learned in diagnosing and treating a rampant, highly-infectious disease need to be ingrained, improved and inculcated going forward.  And social safety habits (wash hands often, keep a safe distance, and cover up) are easy and effective precautions that should become common practices for the afflicted and the adjacent when anyone is not feeling well (cold, flu or any sickness that shouldn't be shared).  Cancer, Covid or common cold - the recollections of the past can fuel the revelations of the future. 



