About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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I have worked hard to keep politics and my opinions of said, out of this communication venue.  And I will continue to maintain that vigil.  However, in this rare instance, I will venture to espouse a proclamation of national proportion.

The promise of a comprehensive EMR System (Electronic Medical Records) has been long in the making - just like the paperless society, a cure for the common cold, and good tasting zero-calorie ice cream.  Clearly none of these pledges have come to fruition.  But I am now prepared to stick my neck out and take a stand - for EMR (though good tasting, I mean really good tasting, like regular Jersey Freeze good tasting zero-calorie "soft serve" ice cream - is also worth advocating for).

I'm sensitive to the needs for privacy laws that protect our medical history from other people, and insurance companies.  I'm aware of the technical complexities inherent in developing a universal standard that all doctors, pharmacies, clinics and hospitals would need to conform to.  And let me further go on the record of dispelling overriding concerns of big brother paranoia by reminding us all that we freely give away more intimate and personal information every week at the grocery store without batting an eye (how do you think those custom coupons come out at the end of the transaction that seem to know exactly what you buy?).  Putting all of those barriers and objections aside - think about the advantages.

First of all, for safety reasons, just consider the dangers of drug interactions.  If you are like so many, you probably have a few different doctors that focus on different medical needs/issues.  Granted I do, and are probably the exception, but look at your calendar and admit how many doctor appointments you have (and don't forget to count the dentist).  Just think how valuable it would be that each one knew your other prescriptions so as not to give you a new drug that could adversely interact with those among your current regimen.  A "smart card" (or App, if that is preferred in this day and age) could raise an alert and possibly save a life.  And save a buck - think about all of the drugs that are prescribed and purchased, which are then never taken after a negative interaction issue is discovered.

The same holds true for current diagnoses and other important medical information that should be shared from one physician to another, which could further inform their understanding of your overall physiology, and greatly enhance their treatment of your given issues.  In fact, the hip-bone is connected to the thigh-bone, and the conditions of the heart are directly related to the kidneys, the lungs and all of the other critical organs in the body - who all need to work in harmony for effective health.

And I don't know about you, but why do we need to fill out 16 pages of forms for every doctor or clinic / hospital / ER we visit for our ongoing health?  Call me lazy, but we can put a man on the moon and cars can park themselves, so why the heck do we need to keep filling out the same forms over and over again?  Seems to me we are smart enough to have a little plastic card do all of that hard work for us - and besides, my eyes are tired, my penmanship is faltering, and the boxes on the forms they give you are never big enough for all of my info.

I accept that my mini-rant isn't going to get anything done, but it's worth raising the issue in hopes that one day my humble blog will perhaps cross the eyes of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - looking for a new pet project.

The Pharmacist

The Pharmacist

Other Stuff

Other Stuff