About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Variety  . . .

Variety . . .

I suppose I should be paying closer attention when the Onc Infusion team at the Clinic carefully outlines the timings of the various cycles of my equally diverse collection of chemistry and drugs.  But admittedly, the treatments each come with their own: combinations of dosing, frequencies of occurrence, and patterns of administration.  It’s all carefully mixed, measured and monitored - I’m just not the one in charge of that (thank goodness).  Each time, it's always a little bit different - a conglomerated combo cocktail.

There are so many variables of what is going in to me (infusions, subcutaneous injections, pills, hydration, etc); and what is coming out of me (blood work, urine sample, etc) - that I never know exactly which combination of tests and treatments I’ll be partaking in.  Part of the variations within each visit relate to the relationship between different drugs and their interdependency (chemo combos and partnering prophylactics).  And part of it correlates to the increasing or decreasing need for a particular therapy based how my “numbers” increase or decrease (respond) as a result of the therapeutics.  In the end, I'm often never really sure what awaits me as I settle into the recliner at the clinic and prepare for the day’s dosing.

For some this could be a disconcerting lack of certainty.  But for me, this variety keeps it mysterious and interesting.  Let’s be clear, I am 110% indubitably assured that nothing is happening to me without strict medical supervision and careful regimen-planning scrutiny. The ebb and flow of my treatments are not bumps in the road but rather the rolling hills I encounter along my journey.  Each day's dosage is fine-tuned by Dr. S and an army of nurses; all backed up by the pharmacist.  Whatever they have been doing first made me better, and is now keeping me better.  If on any given day the assortment changes, that just convinces me that they are carefully reviewing my numbers each week and then crafting a bespoke treatment program for my specific problem/needs du jour.  I'll keep showing up and they'll keep mixing it up (figuratively and literally) -  as long as I keep feeling as good as I do.



Body Fluids

Body Fluids