About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Son of the Mask

Son of the Mask

It's been over a year and a-half since I first shared thoughts about my having to wear a mask around for various excursion (2/28/18). That practice dwindled down to just plane flights, and then sort of fell off altogether. But as of late, I have returned to the precautionary practice (for plane flights only). It's an easy enough prophylactic (for my proboscis), and when I do get colds (which seems to happen with annoying frequency; at all times of the year), they last a lot longer and are generally more exasperating in their symptoms and persistence.

The good news underneath all of this nasal effusion and coughing, is that I seem to be able to manage and eventually defeat the common cold with OTC (over the counter) meds and such - without having to develop an unwanted reliance on antibiotics. FYI: For a guy with a compromised immune system, that cold fighting capability is not an insignificant accomplishment or note.

The film sequel "Son of the Mask" (if you can even venture to call it a sequel), didn’t do so well in the box office. IMHO - without the unrestricted comedic energy of Jim Carrey (at a time when he was funnier) why bother. But this isn’t about Jim Carrey. This is about a question and suggestion that I have around my mask wearing; or mask wearing in general. Why should I have to wear the mask?

If the people who are sick were to wear the VALUABLE veil and keep their germs behind their mask, it would be good for me and everyone else who isn’t sick. But when I wear a mask - it’s only protecting me (and I'm not even sick when I wear a mask!). I think we’ve got this backwards - like so many things in life (the harder you swim to get out of a rip current, the worse you make your situation / drinking something cold on a hot day only makes you sweat more, as your body works hard to heat up the cold liquid inside / telling someone to calm down in the heat of the moment, generally always makes them more upset).

So if I ever get to be in charge (I mean really in charge), I will make a number of rule changes. There will be the obvious and standard ones, but among them will be the necessity that: sick people are the ones who must wear a protective mask - for their sake and all the rest of us. That would be a huge benefit for my ever-improving immune system, and the health of many others as well (cancered or not).



