About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Well, Well, Well

Well, Well, Well

I wouldn't exactly classify my past year or so with cancer as "desperation" per se, but being in the throes of discovery, diagnosis, treatment and recovery - afforded me lots of time to think and lots of exposure to myriad new experiences. Those became the inspiration for many an observation, and many an ensuing blog posting. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Jerry Seinfeld (technically Jerry and Larry David), and I'm not even close to a "Mary" Seinfeld. But I guess when you boil it all down - this is a blog about nothing.

After the initial rush of thoughts and tri-weekly postings, I settled into a rhythm of weekly offerings. I would write them up on Sunday nights (sometimes banking an idea or two ahead of time and then polishing them up on Sunday nights). They started out serving as a good way for me to wrap up the week and reflect on what I had experienced, struggled with and learned in the preceding 7 days. And I grew to hope that it's Monday publishing concurrently provided a little tidbit of wit, wisdom, wonderment or wise-guy for you to start your week.

The aforementioned "desperation" was not a commentary on my disease state or condition, but rather the reality of staring at a blank computer screen, watching the cursor mockingly flash at me, and feeling the pressure (though I look at it as motivation) to open my eyes, open my mind, and open my heart to allow something from within the gateway to come out. Sometimes inspiration found me on Monday - and I had the luxury/relief of a whole week to mull it over. Many times it tapped me on the shoulder serendipitously on a Sunday afternoon - and I was charged and relieved to have made it in time for my 4am publishing (posting) deadline.

I'll keep looking, listening and living - with the intent of being a student of human nature, an appreciator of medical marvels, and a keeper of commitments (the one I am making to myself for a continuous streak of weekly offerings). So I guess when you boil it all down - this is a blog about nothing.



Choices  .  .  .

Choices . . .