About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Angels of Mercy

Angels of Mercy

The first thing you learn in the world of healthcare is that it’s all about the doctors.  WRONG ! ! !

Don’t misunderstand me, the doctors (and there are many amazing specialists) are a critical part of the equation, but the first thing that you learn (or should become aware of) in the world of healthcare (that world being the hospital) is that it’s all about the nurses.  Female or male; young or old; American, Eastern European, Pilipino, Jamaican, you name it – they know the real deal.

Now part of the “real deal” is that no one really knows the answer.  It’s not that they get it wrong, but the fact is that treatment and healing are unique to every individual.  There are patterns and there are trends, but no two patients, diagnoses, treatments or results are the same – so there is no conclusive answer.

In this cacophony of consensual chaos, the nurses just keep moving us forward: telling us the truth (we’re not really sure, but this is good/this is less good); listening earnestly to our complaints or non-professional observations (that's pretty normal, or I’ll be sure to let the doctors know that); and ministering magnitudes of magnanimity, mirth and motivation (after all, it’s really up to the patient to work hard to heal themselves – with the help of science and medicine).  Seriously, how far will this guy go for an alliteration ?!?

So here they are, the true Angels of Mercy (in their multi-colored, multi-themed scrubs (when did that fashion explosion happen?), and oddly comfortable though strikingly fashionless shoes (where do they buy those things?).  Truth be told, the doctors can’t live without them, and we (I) couldn’t either.  Bless their selfless, compassionate and patient hearts.



